Thursday, February 3, 2011


we are so amazingly snowed in that i was excused from work yesterday and today! here is a photo of the view outside my apartment building door-- the cars are still totally covered in mounds of snow like this:

thanks to the mini snowcation, my favorite person and i got to enjoy this:
champagne and a little childhood favorite called the grilled cheese sandwich.

some cleaning and shoveling-- side note: isn’t that graffiti art so cool?

movies. finally watched “the red ballon” and liked it a lot.
if you’re at all into french cinema,
and have a short attention span like me (only 30+ minutes long!),
you might like it too.

board games like scattergories, chess, and even a 1,000 piece jigsaw puzzle of klimt’s, the kiss.
a couple of hours into the puzzle,
we realized that we lacked puzzle-piecing ambition and gave up. :)

and, last but not least, skinny cow ice cream sandwiches!
why hadn’t i tried these sooner?
they are fantastic.


  1. it's funny you started this post with being snowed in (and im sure it was cold) and you ended with this ice cream sandwich (yum)!! :)

  2. the snow covered over everything is so pretty. glad you got to enjoy a few days off :)

  3. sandy, like you, i also have a very "international" job, and a colleague in mexico compared the snow in the photo to cake frosting!

    honey, it was really, really blissful to have some time off!

  4. skinny cow icecream is so yummy!!!!

    stay warm - i lived in chicago for 8 yrs and know the winters are not kind, esp this past year!
